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Notice of auctions

News - May 10, 2024

The administrator of the insolvent credit institution Baltic International Bank SE, Linda Sniega - Svilane, announces that in the second auction in a row, a vehicle belonging to the credit institution - BENTLEY TURBO R and real estate - 9040/13673, the supposed parts of the real estate Ieriķu iela 15, Riga, are being sold in an ascending step. consists of a multifunctional building (cadastre designation 01000700939001) with a total area of ​​1532.4 m2 and a plot of land with a total area of ​​1968 m2. Property rights are registered in the Riga City Land Registry, section no. 4247 with cadastral no. 0100 070 2005. In use room group no. 001, 002, 003, 006, 008 and 010 with a total area of ​​904.0 m2.
Information about auctions on the website of the credit institution: https://bib.eu/lv/auctions.

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